image of homemade birdseed cake shaped like a heart

The Most Popular Bird Seed Cakes You Can Make At Home

Are you tired of paying top dollar for store-bought birdseed and suet cakes? Do you want to know how to make birdseed cakes at home? I personally wanted to see if I could save a couple of bucks by making my own birdseed cake creations. So, I dove headfirst into

Storing Bird Seed

The Most Well-Rounded Answer For How To Store Bird Seed

Opening a bag of birdseed and discovering that it has spoiled or gone stale gets exhausting really quickly. It’s so frustrating to spend your hard-earned money, only to see it go to waste. I feel your pain and I’ve personally struggled enough to research this topic. So, I’ve decided to

prevent squirrels from eating on bird feeders

17 Proven Methods To Keep Squirrels Away From Bird Feeders

Complete Guide On How To Keep Squirrels Away From Bird Feeders In Your Back Yard! Squirrels are lovely creatures, and I do love watching them crawling on the ground and doing their own thing. However, once those squirrels start climbing up trees and into my bird feeders, that’s when they

homemade birdseed ornament

Tried-And-True Directions For How To Make Bird Seed Ornaments

Have you ever wondered how some people have a knack for making beautiful birdseed ornaments? These amazing creations certainly caught my eye and grabbed my attention. I decided to learn how to make birdseed ornaments by searching far and wide online, and I’d like to share everything I learned with

Best Ways To Make Bird Seed Cakes Without Gelatin

Expert Guide On How To Make Bird Seed Cakes Without Gelatin

Is it frustrating to see your homemade bird seed cakes melting in the summer sun? Gelatin turns out to be a major culprit because it melts too easily in the heat. So I asked myself “How To Make Bird Seed Cakes Without Gelatin?. I hunted for new gelatin-free bird seed


Can You Put Bird Seed In A Birdhouse?

Have you ever wondered whether or not it’s safe to leave bird seeds in a birdhouse? This question certainly crossed my mind on more than one occasion. So, I buckled down and did the research and I discovered a few interesting facts about this question: “Can you put bird seed

hanging bird feeders between two trees

How To Hang A Bird Feeder Between Two Trees

Hanging bird feeders on a tree is a pretty simple task. And, so is hanging a bird feeder on something like Shepherd’s pole. However, hanging bird feeders between two trees is a little bit more complicated. I will show you step-by-step how to hang a bird feeder between two trees

Male Purple Finch

Purple finch

The Purple Finch is known as the “sparrow dipped in raspberry juice” because of its reddish color. They have a very similar resemblance to House Finches but appear to be redder. They are irregular backyard visitors in winter as their movements would usually depend on the food sources. In this

American Crow close-up view

American crow

The American Crow is a well-known bird across North America. They are very intelligent birds. Their all-black plumage makes them very easy to recognize even from afar. You’ll often see them in large groups by the roadsides, treetops, fields, and other open areas. In this article, we are going to

White-throated Sparrow Bird Perched on Tree

White-throated sparrow

The White-throated Sparrow is an attractive bird that usually comes to the US for winter. They are characterized by a bright and clean brown pattern and are often heard whistling “Oh-Sweet-Canada” in summer. They are frequent visitors of backyards bird feeders and would usually come to visit in flocks. In

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