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Birdwatching Articles

  • What Science Understands About Bird’s Brains: They Might Be Smarter Than You Think

    What Science Understands About Bird’s Brains: They Might Be Smarter Than You Think

    You probably heard the term “bird brain” a few times, and from what we all know, this term is always used to describe a stupid person. However, as much as most people would like to assume, birds aren’t stupid. Here we’ll dive deep into the topic of bird brain science… Bird

  • Bird Watching For Beginners: Bird Watching Guide, Complete With Tips & Advice To Get Started With This Fun Hobby

    Bird Watching For Beginners: Bird Watching Guide, Complete With Tips & Advice To Get Started With This Fun Hobby

    Birding is becoming the fastest-growing outdoor activity in the country. Why? This is partly due to the fact that you can watch birds from inside, looking outside at a bird feeder in your backyard, but you can also go to a local park. It’s easy, fun, and a great way

  • Top 13 Benefits Of Birdwatching: How Birds Have The Ability To Lift Us Up

    Top 13 Benefits Of Birdwatching: How Birds Have The Ability To Lift Us Up

    Whenever you feel stressed, most people will tell you to get out, get some fresh air, and experience a change of scenery. But did anyone ask you to look up at the sky or around you to watch birds? Keep reading to learn the benefits of bird watching… I’m sure a

  • How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter? A Detailed View

    How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter? A Detailed View

    While most bird species migrate to warmer areas for winter, certain birds stay in the same area for winter. This is despite the fact that the cold offers them unideal living conditions. Because of this, many bird watchers wonder, do birds get cold? And if they do, how do they

  • Learn The Differences Between Hawks and Falcons

    Learn The Differences Between Hawks and Falcons

    If you’re new to bird watching, telling the difference between some bird species can be challenging. For example, crows vs. ravens and hawks vs. falcons.  When you see a big bird flying in the sky with large hooked beaks, it will get you thinking: Is that a hawk or a

  • Crow Intelligence: A Look Into A Crow’s Clever, Amazing Behavior

    Crow Intelligence: A Look Into A Crow’s Clever, Amazing Behavior

    What’s the very first thing that comes to your mind when you see crows? Probably not crow intelligence! For most people, they might immediately think of them as a sign of a bad phenomenon coming. After all, that’s how movies, stories, and superstitions have been believed for several years.  However,

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